Wednesday, December 2, 2009


clearly, it's been a while. last post was sometime this past spring-ish. and now i am back by popular demand (justin and willie). so a lot has transpired over the last half of the year. here's the unofficial cliffs notes:

- went to amsterdam and didn't smoke weed
- went to belgium and didn't drink beer
- spent an endless amount of time in new york city
- saw pitbull in concert
- saw ray lamontagne in concert
- bought sweet over the knee stiletto boots
- got over my hatred for peep toe shabooties and now proudly own a pair (or 4)
- figured out how to layer
- perfected my ridiculously awesome recipe for homemade key lime pie
- embraced my twitter account (@flirtyfloridian)
- got weed blown in my face and ended up on
- the gators are heading into the sec championship game this saturday against bama (again)
- hopping across the pond to london next week
- following up with a week in paris
- new year's eve... taylor comes to miami (crossing my fingers)

and of course in between these events there were numerous occasions during which i was asked if i am brazilian.

the answer is still no. or não if you insist on being an ass.

stay tuned people, i'm excited to update this crap.