Friday, December 25, 2009


have you ever had the treat of receiving a love letter? not a note passed in class, but a real letter. with a stamp. i once dated a boy who had a real talent for writing true love letters. although i like to think i was the genuine inspiration. and i say boy only because we were 19-20 years old.

after recent chats with girlfriends about movies and stories where men love the woman in their lives so intensely, my girlies decided that this was just something that happened in dreams and on the big screen. and i disagreed. that boy i mentioned earlier... he is that type of man, the one that will love the woman in his life more than that said life itself. so i recently felt the urge to torture myself and go through an old box of letters. although i knew exactly which letters i was searching for, each one (and i have dozens) was like i was reading it for the first time.

i wont name names, just in case he was to stumble across this silly blog but in case he does, i will say that he is a beautiful writer. i hope every girl receives letters like the ones i have received from him, read so many times, and saved for times like this.