Wednesday, December 2, 2009


so i'm not sure if you have gotten wind of what's been going on in the twitterverse but it seems that jesus has a twitter account. look him up @iJesusChrist. clearly, the late jc is totally with the times. when i asked him, "why the i?" he responded to me saying it was time for him to get with the digital age and besides, he has an iphone and an imac, so why not iJesusChrist? can't argue with that, he's freakin' jesus. (i think he meant cyber age, but again... who am i to argue?)

over the past few days i have been following christ... well, more like stalking... and here are some of my favorite words from our savior:

For spelling too I hope. RT @iamdiddy: Tomorrows gona be a better day
@xochitleatsky You don't want to know....Michael Jackson showed me the moonwalk. Tupac isn't here. He's in a much more tropical enviroment.
Im not.Go get some lights, cheapskate RT @Zilla209: Not spending money this year on outdoor Christmas lights. Im sure Jesus is cool with it
The fact that I can use proper grammar for one. RT @zachflynn: If we are all gods children, then what's makes jesus so special?
@VCurrentAffairs what can I say? chicks dig the beard. Turning water into wine doesnt hurt either.
@XxBrookeyBabyxX you should probably work on spelling. I can't grant a prayer if I can't understand it.
Birthday countdown 25 days!
@johncmayer Hi, John...I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jesus, nice to meet you.
@flirtyfloridian It's true. I showed Tebow how to do that after his sophomore year. He needed to loosen up a bit.


Jesus Christ said...

Actually on Nov 30, 20-some years ago we made a bit of a slip up in Heaven and mixed some Brazilian genes with Indian. So....

Sincerest Apologies,
Jesus Christ

vava said...

and the truth finally comes out...