Thursday, December 3, 2009


it's that time of year again. mariah carey is actually on the radio again (all i want for christmas - you know the words). gingerbread lattes are available at starbucks for 400+ calories a pop. and everyone becomes the most annoying person in the world... especially at the mall. that's right, it's holiday season. joy.

i don't really do christmas shopping because, well, i'm hindu. but sometimes i need to go to the mall for shoes, or a dress, maybe another lip gloss. retail therapy, you know? so i found myself at macy's the other day and was wandering around looking at bedding and linens etc. just to look. you know, for me and my imaginary fiance. (hello gerard butler.)

a sales associate approaches and asks how i am doing and if i would like any assistance. nope, i'm good. thank you. i continue browsing... imagining all the stupid unnecessary throw pillows i could buy. ahh bliss.

douchey mcdouche: "hi miss, are you sure you don't need any help? I'm happy to help."

vava: "oh no, i'm ok but thank you"

d mcd: "by the way, are you brazilian?"

vava: "what?"

d mcd: "are you brazilian? you're wearing those shoes..." (he points toward my feet)

vava: "yeah no, actually i'm not. i'm just wearing them. they're just havaianas."

i avoid the mall from nov 20 - jan 10 because of the crowds, the greedy grabbing, the boca jew bitches, and the screaming bastard kids. but mainly because of people like this guy.
