Sunday, July 20, 2008


so its sunday... and that means that scooter gets to go to the dog park. what retard started the rumor that single people can meet other fantastic looking single people at a dog park? are you dumb? its a bunch of dogs sniffing butts and humping legs and pooing. how can you possibly find someone attractive while they are cleaning up after spike?

so as soon as i get to the park and sit down on a bench this weird guy says "hey i know you from that store"

umm... this is boca - i visit 117 stores a week. shopping is my drug and my therapy, how can you approach me with such a vague comment. so it turns out we bumped into each other at the three dog bakery when i was getting some yum yums for scooter. we talk for a bit and as soon as he finds out im 25 (he is 40) he is totally into me. eww. listen combover carl you are weirding me out - stop asking me so many personal questions. cant you tell im making the answers up? do i look like a historian? do you know i got a c in american history? i might as well have said i was a paleontologist.

as im leaving, this random "come to my van" looking guy decides to tell me im beautiful. umm, thanks buddy. i keep walking. he then tells me he likes my hair. ok. thanks. and my eyes. alright i get it. clearly you have never seen a girl before.

the dog park. its like except its free.