Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i just purchased a t3 flat iron. ooh. aah. i also just purchased about $200 worth of ojon. really, it's been a great few days of retail therapy. so last night after i tore open the box to my new pink flat iron i decided i had to straighten my hair right away. normally i would do this in my own bathroom. but, no, not last night. i decided i needed to spend over an hour in the powder room so that i could have the tv playing in the background so i could hear the mets give away a 5-2 lead in the 9th inning.

lets picture a bathroom with a glass countertop. (for those with no ability to do this, i am providing a photograph.)

about 47 minutes into the straightening process, with about 4 sections left to straighten, i place the striaghtener ever so gently on the counter. and thats when i heard it. "clink". i picked up the iron only to reveal a crack 2 inches in length.

oh. my. god.

i thought if i cleaned up the bathroom really nicely and then ran off to bed nobody would notice. i even washed my hair right away to get it back to its curly fro-like state. (as if this would somehow release me from the crime i had just commited... out damn spot...) an hour with an iron to my head... down the drain.

in the morning i went to look at the crack. it grew from 2 inches to about 12. great. how about instead of a stupid caca warning on the iron like "do not use on or near eyes"...umm, thank god for that warning, i was planning on straightening my eyelashes later... how about instead of that stupidity they put a warning like "do not place on glass" or "must be used with heat resistant mat". or better yet, why dont the asswipes at t3 provide you with a heat resistant mat when you spend between 125-250 dollars on one of their irons. how about that, huh?

stupid warning label.