Sunday, July 20, 2008


on july 3 i was at a lovely lil place in nyc called the boat basin. aside from the table of 9 moms, 9 dads, and 9 ugly babies it was a great time. at some point in the evening chelsea and i decided to venture to the bar for some shots. we thought to start the evening out safely with soco and lime. we chased this with jameson (bad bad idea) and then onto some vodka shots and some crap called samantha jones. now i know youre probably wondering how i could be anywhere without having jager... it turns out, our bartender ebony... i would go back to this place just to be served by her - she was awesome... well ebony ruined the evening and my weekend by informing me that "jager is really bad for you girl! its like drinking gasoline and its damaging to your intestinal area or something!"

aww man!

well after some other shots that a GIRL bought me... i was def. done for the night... well the weekend. and now that i have had about 3 weeks to recover i think its time i research this whole jager situation.

after extensive research on google i have found nothing about jager and intestines. i did find a string of comments on a message board where someone said they would rather sip warm piss. thats sad. it seems the only negative aspect i could find on jager was the calorie count. 1 oz of jager has about 103 calories. goddamn. this worries me greatly. but then i remember that i have a gym membership.

viva jagermeister!