Thursday, September 8, 2011


i have recently brought to my own attention the possibility that there may be some people who happen along this blog that could maybe find some of my verbal diarrhea to be a bit... offensive. these sensitive sallys most likely do not appreciate the word retard, douchebag, or a variety of other words that are the core of my vocabulary.

for those people, i must add this disclaimer... please have a sense of humor. i'm not actually serious in about 2/3 of this blog. except for the bad dates... that's all very sadly true. and i am fluent in sarcarm. if you are not, this is a bad place for you. a bad, bad place.

i also have no intentions of "hurting your feelings". since i don't have any, i figured you probably don't either. especially if you enjoy the type of gibberish i put up here.

that being said... hope you enjoy reading about the crap i find amusing :)