Friday, April 24, 2009


this is the funniest website of my life:

once you get through them all you click the area code label links for even more silly nonsense. archived texts on the right. i love it.

some of my favs:

(619): i miss you so much
(858): i miss you too
(858): oops, did i send that to you? i meant to send it to the money you owe me

(615): yo i just woke up i feel so weird, and the absolut is still fill, so is the 30, what the fuck did we drink last night man? And will you please come out of the bathroom.
(702): Bro... we didn't even hang out last night??

(786): Thats something to write home to mom about
(305): Dear Mom, I had sex last nt w a girl that liked to b choked. Im n love. Cant wait for you to meet her

(301): I'm sorry my penis didn't work

(504): dude...i just woke up in ****'s bed!
(985): doesn't he have a girlfriend???
(504): yeah...who do you think woke us up...

(260): So I'm stoned for 420, and have an eye doctor appointment in fifteen minutes
(1-260): Are your eyes okay
(260): I mean if I was Asian they would be

(213) 2:19a: Whats up
(424): Asleep
(213): Miss you... Wondering how you are..
(424): ASLEEP
(213): Just wanted to say hi, see how school's going
(424): Hi, awesome, now fuck offf

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


Jaron Lee said...

My office an I are dying! This will be up on Darwinism tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

You're right, this website is dank! By the way, if you're not Brazilian, are you at least from that continent?

vava said...

def not brazilian (or south american) but have given into the pressure and am currently learning portuguese.