Thursday, April 16, 2009


so sometimes when you're in the city you've got to rely a bit on public transport. it's not as "sex and the city" here as you might want to believe. i know... i was shocked the first time i realized that too. there should be a support group for this.

i was on the subway yesterday and i really wanted to sit down. i had 35 blocks or so to go. but before resting my tired feet i did a quick size up of who was already seated. a lil tip I picked up (thanks brian) is that this is new york city. there are way more people riding the trains than there are seats so if there is a seat left empty there's probably a good reason for that.

i subtly looked at the people sitting next to the empty spots and now i knew why such a primo location on the c train was left vacant. there was a man who was probably around 28 or 29 dressed in all black with a long thick pony tail and lots of silver jewelry. i'm talking chains, skull rings, multiple bracelets etc. he was a mess. as i move down to the center of the train he turns toward me and blows me a kiss. i threw up a lil in my mouth then and again just now as i am writing this. but i turned my face so that i wouldn't have to be visually assaulted. and that's when i saw a sweet girl make the mistake of sitting down next to him.

i could watch what was going on in the reflection of the subway car's window. unknowingly she smiled when he said hi. she must not be from here. i looked away for a bit because my lunch was coming up. when i did get back to my subway vouyerism i saw that this man had now taken the liberty to push this girl's hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. holy crap. she looked horrified. i looked horrified! and i am fully confident that she did not know him. how weird. a few stops later she got up and walked to the other end of the car to get off. and that's when he got up and went in the same direction as her. creepy mc creepster.


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