Saturday, April 19, 2008


i was out buying some boozing supplies today (read: wine for my dad). as im walking up to the door i notice a few guys standing outside. ok whatever. i go in, find what i need, and head to the register. ps this is like the biggest liquor store i have ever seen (outside of binny's in chicago). all i could think while i was in this place is how cool it would have been in gainesville. as im paying i notice 2 of the guys from outside. they have just finished paying and are slowly getting ready to leave. we leave together.

"hey mami!"

excuse me? you are buying cheap beer, you have corn rows or corn rolls or whatever, you are chewing on a toothpick and your pants are falling off. why in gods name would you think i want to talk to you? and why would you yell at me in spanish. listen ese... we are not in mexico or cuba or someplace that serves chalupas. i am not your mami, nor will i ever be.