Wednesday, May 7, 2008


ive been riding on fumes for a few days now. every time i hit the the gas light i pull into a gas station and throw about 15 bucks at them. take my 4-5 gallons and get going. that holds me another day. until yesterday. do you know i paid 4.20 a gallon for gas? what a bunch of crooks. are these people on drugs? 4.20? really?

the other day i heard on y-100 that gas may reach 10 bucks in the next 2 years. no thanks. throw an extra 100 g's in my bank account and we are good to go. until then... i hope they set me up to work from home cause thats gonna be ridiculous. either that or set up a nice extra deep pillow top in my office.

whats sad is i think it will get to 5 bucks a gallon (premium of course) by 2009. i mean i think some people will be choosing between gas and food. unless this is some kind of a diet being implemented by the government i think it needs to be over and done with already.

at least there wont be as many people on the road during rush hour.