Sunday, May 11, 2008


so i moved back to florida almost a year ago. but i still tell people that i "just moved back". if you don't already know, i lived in chicago for the past 2 years. really, it was only a year and a half but this is my blog and i can say what i want.

about 8 months ago i began working for a company in ft lauderdale. big girl job here i come. the problem with this whole job thing is this... when the hell do normal working people have time to get anything done? i get to work between 830 and 9 am and then i hit the gym after work til about 8 pm. home to shower and eat and check some email and then bed. if i can, i squeeze in a walk for scooter.

in the past 8 months i think my wardrobe has doubled. if not, tripled. i have no time to do any goddamn laundry so i just buy new clothes. sounds great doesnt it? its not. this just adds to the laundry that i am not doing. argh! seriously, in the movies they make dropping off and picking up your dry cleaning look so easy. i still have not figured out how people do this. what about groceries? the bank? post office?