Thursday, December 18, 2008


so as you've probably noticed (thank you loyal blog reader, jacqueline) i haven't been posting lately. I've been traveling a lot for work and i don't really tote my laptop around. but i am looking into being able to blog off my blackberry.

on a recent trip to new york i was was approached with quite possibly the strangest simple question ever.

as i'm getting onto the plane and into the main aisle, i find my row and the elderly woman in the aisle seat kindly moves so that i can settle into my inviting window seat. people keep boarding but this woman remains standing. she turns to me only to say "i hope nobody sits here," to which i smile kindly and agree. her response? "i don't really like people... i mean you're fine but i don't like sitting by people." umm... ok well thank god you didn't get the middle seat. lucky for friendly fran nobody joins us in our row.

as you know, meals are no longer served on airlines. if you look around the cabin, you notice some people may bring a sandwich, some chips or cookies, etc. my new friend visited her local subway prior to this flight. her sandwich is nestled into the middle seat. "i brought a sandwich... i don't mind sharing if you're hungry." right... "oh, thank you but i'm ok." i decided to take out my book, nintendo ds, and ipod all at the same time in an effort to keep her from talking to me again.

as soon as the cabin begins to pressurize, she puts down her tray table and grabs her sandwich. it seems she asked for each component of her sandwich to be packed separately, including the very potent dressing. so she starts piecing together her sandwich making sure to touch the bread, cheese, turkey, lettuce, tomato, etc with her creepy, wrinkly, old lady hands. and of course she tops it off with some kind of italian vinaigrette. this smell explodes in the cabin. its in my nose, my eyes, my hair, its probably burning into my clothes. she looks very proud of herself and her new sandwich. she takes a bite... and then out of nowhere thrusts the sandwich with spittle bubbles about 2 and a half inches from my face and says "you want some??"



Anonymous said...

Dude your blog is awesome. You should write more often. By the way, are you Brazilian?

vava said...

some new posts just for you anonymous admirer.