Wednesday, April 28, 2010


hi kids. so remember when i was going to start my own beauty blog? genius idea i know. well, from the start of that to now i have become a little bit of a featured writer (in my not so humble opinion) for an already established beauty blog! hooray!

posts include reviews, previews, rants, raves, guys' pov, and even interviews. well and my wise words... look me up on flauntnk! i'm the stockist!

now, although this blog somewhat caters to women of color... ranging from indian, black, middle eastern, to latin american... the white girls can also join in on the fun. in fact, my very white friend courtney happened to win a contest for a freebie lip gloss giveaway.

come one, come all. let's get gorgeous ;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


so you probably know that i have been taking private portuguese lessons for almost a year now. (and if you don't know... now you know). i just adore the language. it's so romantic and i don't know what happens to me when i hear it. i love it. luckily, i took about 5 years of spanish when i was younger and although i can barely speak it now, it has definitely helped me out with my portuguese so far.

today was brazil day in miami. food, music, entertainment... and rain. it was a complete shit storm outside. so, as a result i missed the fest. que pena!

but some of my friends that live in miami decided to tough it out and try their luck with the rain. the reason? adriana lima. no she wasn't making an appearance but, it seems that my dear sweet guy friends believe that this is what all brazilian women look like and what all non-brazilian women should look like.

the fact of the matter is, the brazilian culture is so accepting of cosmetic surgery that i think a lot of people, men and women, have fallen in love with beauty that is too ideal. true, perhaps adriana is 100% adriana... only she knows for sure...

apparently my one friend was "disgusted" after seeing what brazil day in miami had to offer and said plainly "that's not how the girls looked in brazil last week..."

newsflash: of course not... the girls you saw in rio were probably cosmetically enhanced in the nose, chin, lips, boobs, tummy, and butt areas. and hey, good for them! more power to the pretty! but, be careful boys. ask for too much and you'll never know what you are actually getting.

blonde, brunette, short, tall... the rest of us aren't so bad you know. 

 see, told ya.


i die.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


the flirty floridian is up and running!

as promised, my new beauty blog is slowly taking shape. sure i only have 2 posts right now but in my head it's already a huge success. cross your fingers that soon it will be that way in real life too!

for those of you that are here for my sarcasm and wit, please rest assured that i am going to try harder to maintain this fabulous blog as well.

busy busy busy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


so it has come to my attention lately that perhaps i should beauty blog. and i know what you're thinking... how will vanita manage 2 blogs when she can't even update the one she's got. well, the thing is... i've been a little busy. and i mean, i travel. and i have a job. and i do tweet, you know.

lots of excuses. not enough effort. so, that's it. i'm going to start an additional blog. you can visit me there for reviews on skincare and beauty. and although i most likely will not post tutorials on how to do a smokey eye - you can definitely come to me to find out what products to use to achieve that smokey eye. etcetera etcetera.

now all i need to do is come up with a name.

stay tuned my pretties.


omg omg omg! 3 followers!

yes, i realize this is more of a tweet than a blog entry.

ps - thanks kathy :)