Monday, January 4, 2010


so i have recently been playing with the idea of possibly going to grad school. but, of course, i cannot decide (for the life of me) if i want to return for an mba, a masters in journalism, or even for physical therapy. all over the board, i know. it's just that, well, i just don't know what i want to do. i mean, i do. but i don't know how to get to that sooo i figure i'll just pick something else.

anyway, did you know you can get a scholarship for blogging?? like up to 5 grand i think! that's insane. i mean, sure, i'd have to blog a LOT more often to make it look like i actually am a blogger. and, sure, i'd have to actually write about something that people want to read about. so now all i need to do is rework this entire blog and start retro blogging to make up for all the lost time!

but what would i blog about? lip gloss? or maybe perfume? i've also always wanted to be a food critic. maybe i can write about food? or how about bad dates. i would be great at that! or how about my lack of ability to even go on dates. ooh, now i'm on to something...

if only i was more like that damn tucker max.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


is it just natural selection if i haven't been on a real date in forever?